©Etien Photography
©Etien Photography

 Our team consists of four people:


Jessica „Jazzy Jes“ Rieben and Michael „Ez Mike“ Zurflüh are part of the legendary „Rock Steady Crew“ and one of the most well-known dancer-couples in the Hip Hop scene.

They hold many titles of championships such as “Redbull BC One Switzerland”, “Top Rock City”, “Octogon World Rumble”, “European Concrete Battle” and created their own partnerdance called „Top Rock Hustle“.

They have been dancing with and learning from the world's best dancers and sharing their experiences in classes and workshops internationally for many years.


Dominik „D in Deed“ Graf and Aaron „F-Arrow“ Lannutti of Thun's „Flava Fiendz Crew“ have been their students and became well respected dancers themselves. They both have teaching experience, too, and participate in b-boy battles regularly.


Together, we form THE YARD's team and hope to carry on the tradition of dance and keep the Hip Hop spirit alive.